Advanced Placement is for students who are passionate about learning. You will learn from teachers who are experts in their fields and with students who love learning just as much as you do.
Advanced Placement (AP) is an internationally recognized enrichment program that offers acceleration and challenges to motivated students. It prepares them for the transition from high school to university by helping them develop the skills they will need to thrive in a post-secondary environment.
Successful completion of AP exams can permit students to obtain credit in first year university courses at colleges and universities around the world. AP exam scores can also be used when calculating admission averages, giving AP students a chance to boost their admission average if their AP exam score is higher than their final mark in a Diploma Exam course.
Even if a student receives an AP exam score that is not eligible for post-secondary course credit, research released by the College Board in 2021 found a positive correlation between taking AP courses and exams and post-secondary enrollment, and success.
If you would like to read more about the research click here: Research

What is an AP class like?
An AP class is driven by a passion for learning and for the subject matter. This creates a positive, focused classroom culture where students can explore ideas and stretch their capabilities in a supportive environment.
How does AP fit in with the Alberta High School Program?
AP fits in very well with all Alberta High School curriculum requirements. Typically, AP courses build upon the Alberta curriculum and provide additional enrichment. By the end of Grade 12, students in AP courses will have exceeded the Alberta requirements in those areas. Grade 10 students are encouraged to enroll in as many AP courses as they are interested in, as it is easier to start in AP and move out rather than to try to catch up in Grades 11 or 12. Students are not obligated to remain in the AP stream for all three years.
Will taking AP courses affect extracurricular activities?
A number of our AP scholars are involved in many activities both in and out of school including athletics, music, students' union, clubs, and graduation committees. Because of the program's flexibility, AP students can be involved in other areas that interest them without jeopardizing their studies.
What are the benefits of AP?
The Advanced Placement Program:
- allows students to study one or more subjects at an advanced level, depending upon the individual student’s interests and expertise
- provides enrichment and challenge for academically-talented and well-motivated students
- helps students develop and practice higher order thinking skills
- assists with transition from high school to post-secondary studies
- helps students prepare for scholarship examinations and AP College Board examinations
- provides students with an opportunity to earn university credits, standing and/or placement while in high school
Who should take AP courses?
Generally, a mark of 75-80% in a prerequisite course is suggested for students who wish to take an AP course. More important is the student’s motivation and commitment to the importance of education. To be successful, students should have the following characteristics:
- enjoy a challenge
- have a well-developed work ethic
- be self-disciplined and self-motivated
- be motivated to achieve
- find learning stimulating and exciting
- have parental support and approval
5 credits
AP Studio Art is designed for highly motivated students with a deep interest in visual arts. Students that develop an AP Studio Art portfolio will first research and choose a theme to relate their body of work to. The Studio Art program of studies requires that students develop a portfolio of 15 high quality visual art pieces that relate to their chosen theme. Students will also develop a set of 5 high quality pieces that reflect their mastery of medium, composition and style. The 15 pieces for the ‘Sustained Study’ portion of the portfolio are photographed and submitted digitally, with short artist statements accompanying them. Five additional works are submitted digitally under the ‘Selected Works’ section.
Students wishing to submit an AP Studio Art Portfolio must plan to complete it over two semesters, as the volume of work required is extensive and very difficult to manage in one semester. Studio Art portfolio possibilities are: Drawing, 2D Design, or 3D Design. Students may submit more than one portfolio, if they wish.
Computer Science Principles 20 AP
5 credits
This is the first half of the total AP Computer Science experience. More properly known as AP Computer Science Principles, Computer Science 20 AP is an introductory college-level computing course that introduces students to the breadth of the field of computer science. It provides students with a broad introduction to computer science and how it relates to other fields. Students learn to design and evaluate solutions and to apply computer science to solve problems through the development of algorithms and programs. Students also explain how computing innovations and computer systems work, explore their potential impacts, and contribute to a computing culture that is collaborative and ethical. For those who love computers, and who already possess some coding skills, this is definitely the course for you!
Computer Science A 30 AP
5 credits
This is another introductory college-level computer science course. More properly known as AP Computer Science A, 30 AP focuses on computing skills related to programming in Java. Students cultivate their understanding of coding through analyzing, writing, and testing codes as they explore concepts like modularity, variables and control structures. Students will explore their personal interests in the subject matter while taking this course.
5 credits
This course completes the requirements of English 10-1 with some enhanced content and assignments that lay the foundation for the AP exams written at the end of English 20-1 AP and 30-1 AP.
5 credits
English 20-1AP integrates the AP Language and Composition curriculum to teach students both how to write and to analyze text in a deeply nuanced manner. A strong focus on short non-fiction and rhetoric is integral to the course. Students can expect to come away from the course with a finely tuned ability to analyze and appreciate rhetorical choices in writing, as well as a greater command of their own written abilities. For those who love to read and to discuss writing, this is definitely the course for you!
8 credits
English 20-1 AP / Capstone Seminar 25 adds a three-credit course to English 20-1 AP in order to include the Capstone Seminar 25 curriculum. Students in this course will supplement their ability to analyze style and rhetoric in writing with project work that will enhance their skills in research, collaboration, and presentation.
5 credits
English 30-1AP integrates the AP Literature and Composition curriculum to give students the opportunity to work with a wide range of literary texts from the Renaissance to the present day. Students sharpen their close reading and critical thinking skills, refine their ability to present specific ideas and analysis in writing, and engage in deep discussions about the texts we study. This work expands their understanding of literature and eases the transition to a post-secondary setting. The 30-1 AP classroom is a place where student engagement and personal interest in the subject matter create a vibrant, positive classroom culture!
5 credits
Our AP program is spread over three years and begins the grade10. Students complete an accelerated high school program. The intent of this program is to develop the prerequisite knowledge to allow students to successfully complete our Math 31/35 AP courses. This is predominantly for students who are moving towards fields of study that require calculus as an entry requirement in a post-secondary program.
10 credits
This year-long course offers students a unique opportunity to study both Statistics 35 AP and Math 31 Calculus in a single, comprehensive program. Statistics 35 AP introduces students to the concepts of data analysis, probability, and statistical inference, equipping them with critical thinking skills applicable in various fields such as science, business, and social sciences. Math 31 provides a strong foundation in calculus, covering limits, derivatives, and integrals, which are essential for students pursuing careers in engineering, mathematics, and the physical sciences. Together, these subjects offer a balanced approach to mathematical reasoning, blending real-world data analysis with the rigorous problem-solving techniques of calculus.
This course is ideal for students looking to challenge themselves with university-level mathematics while still in high school. By completing both Statistics 35 AP and Math 31, students not only strengthen their analytical and problem-solving abilities but also gain valuable preparation for post-secondary studies. Statistics 335 AP can lead to college credit and advanced placement, while Math 31 provides a strong foundation for first-year calculus courses. Whether students are interested in STEM fields, business, or social sciences, this course enhances their mathematical fluency and prepares them for success in a variety of academic and professional pathways.
8 credits
This is a combination course of Math 31 AP (AP Calculus AB) and Calculus 35 AP (AP Calculus BC).
AP Calculus AB is designed to be the equivalent of a first semester post-secondary course wherein we explore the basics of differential (limits and derivatives) and integral calculus (area and antiderivatives). While students who have successfully completed our Math 31 AP course will have the majority of the knowledge necessary to write the AP Calculus AB College Board exam, it is strongly encouraged that they continue their learning with the Calculus 35 AP course. This combination allows for a more complete understanding of the exam topics, and much better preparation for the AP exam itself.
AP Calculus BC is designed to be the equivalent of both first and second semester
post-secondary courses. It builds on and applies the concepts and skills introduced in AP Calculus AB to parametrically defined curves, polar curves, and vector valued functions. In addition, we also delve into more techniques and methods for integration as well as introduce topics surrounding using sequences and series to model various function types. At the end of our Calculus 35 AP course, students have the option to write the AP Calculus BC College Board exam.
6 credits
Psychology AP is the combination of the social science courses General Psychology 20 and Experimental Psychology 30. The purpose of Psychology AP is to introduce students to the study of the behavior and mental processes of the human brain. Topics such as Biological Basis of Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Social Psychology as well as many other focuses of General Psychology are studied throughout the course. Psychology AP provides the students with skills that will allow them to define, explain, and apply concepts, behavior, theories, and perspectives in psychology, analyze and interpret quantitative data, and analyze psychological research studies. For students looking to pursue a career in psychology or those looking to take psychology courses in post-secondary education, the skills acquired in this course will help establish a base of information that will help to achieve future success.
5 credits
This course covers the same concepts as Social 10-1 creating enhanced learning opportunities while working through the curriculum with expanded historical and ideological examples.
8 credits
The Social 20AP/AP European History Course is an eight-credit survey of European History. Through careful analysis of European History from 1450 to the present day, students will develop an understanding of Historical Europe and its role in the development of political ideologies, economic systems and social constructs. This course focuses on the development of critical thinking skills through a historical lens. Students leave this course with foundational knowledge that will certainly assist them in Social 30 and post-secondary.
5 credits
Our AP Science program is spread over three years and begins in the 10th grade. Students start their journey through the AP Sciences beginning with Science 10 AP. This course covers all of the Alberta Science 10 curriculum as well as some additional AP material in the chemistry and biology units. Students can then choose from AP Biology, AP Chemistry and/or AP Physics 1 after completing Science 10 AP.
5 credits
Biology 20 AP is designed for highly motivated students with a deep interest in biology. All the objectives of the Alberta Biology 20 curriculum are covered, but they are explored in more depth through discussion, research and laboratory activities. Biology 20 AP allows students to gain a deeper understanding and context of all the topics covered: Biosphere and Ecosystems, Evolution, Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration, and Human Body Systems.
8 credits
Biology 30/35 AP is a course designed to provide students with the opportunity to explore curriculum concepts on a deeper level. From class discussions to inquiry-based labs, this course will stimulate your love for biology and biological systems. Students will have the opportunity to discover and think critically while building skills so critical to future success. Biology 30 AP is a course you are going to remember and will provide students with a working knowledge of the biological world!
5 credits
The depth and breadth of knowledge about chemistry concepts is expanded well beyond the Alberta curriculum in Chemistry 20 AP. Topics such as the development of the atomic theory from Aristotle to quantum mechanics, periodic trends, and advanced bonding models will be covered in this course. Student interest in the topics we cover often sparks great conversations about the theory and also the application of this knowledge in our daily lives and the technology that drives our society. We emphasize the importance of applying the knowledge we gain in this class across all of the science disciplines and our daily lives. Labs are structured to promote thorough observations, develop lab skills, and to critically analyze the data recorded.
8 credits
Enrichment in chemistry continues in Chemistry 30 AP as we investigate kinetics, equilibrium, electrochemistry, thermodynamics, and acids & bases. In Chemistry 35 AP, we review high school chemistry and the necessary knowledge to write the AP Chemistry exam. The Chemistry AP curriculum is the equivalent of both first and second semester post-secondary chemistry courses. This course is most beneficial for those students who are thinking of entering the medical field, engineering, research analysis,
or environmental sciences.
5 credits
Physics AP 1 gives
students a meaningfully deeper understanding of the classical physics concepts found in the Physics 20 curriculum. Students are required to shift their focus from the usual calculation-laden problems to those problems that require a much more qualitative application of the theory, relationships and concepts of the course. This requires students to look at problems from various angles and to intertwine concepts from different units. The course includes three additional units, namely Momentum, Torque, and Rotational Motion. Students will find that mastering the depth of the knowledge and skills gained through the course will be both challenging and truly rewarding.
We do not offer Physics 2 at this time. However, you can challenge the Physics 2 course in your grade 12 year. The course aligns very well with Physics 30, so you would need to take Physics 30 in semester 1. You would have to learn a few units on your own time using the AP College Board Classroom. This resource has videos explaining the additional concepts required to complete the course. You will also have access to AP Physics 2 study guides and textbooks. Please contact Mr. Hope in September of your grade 12 year if you are interested in completing Physics 2.
AP Grade Conversion Scale
When completing AP exams in conjunction with the Alberta Education high school curriculum, universities and colleges consider your AP score in addition to your 30-level course grade and accept the higher of the two for admission. To calculate an admission average using AP results, you can convert your scores into percentages as outlined in this chart.
AP Result |
AP Equivalent |
5 |
96% |
4 |
86% |
3 |
76% |
2 |
65% |
1 |
Not accepted for admission |
While a higher AP exam score can raise your admissions average, a lower score on an AP exam cannot be used to drop your admissions average. AP exam marks can only cause your admission grades to go up. Taking an AP exam is therefore a risk-free opportunity to get a higher mark
Accepting Credit and University Equivalent Courses
Transfer credit can be granted for AP courses where an AP grade of 4 or 5 is received. Universities commonly attended by our students and their equivalent courses are listed below. Not all universities give credit in the same manner. Most universities not included in the chart below have their own advanced standing charts online you can cross reference if you’re looking to apply somewhere else. When students receive course credit, they will not receive a GPA for that course. Rather, they accept the credit and move onto the next level university course or use the AP credited course as an elective.
Some students do not accept credit even if they qualify for it. This is because accepting credit does not give a GPA. Instead, they take the course again in first year university and often receive above average GPAs in these courses. This allows them to apply into very competitive programs because they have a higher GPA.
AP Courses offered at |
U of A |
Grant MacEwan |
ART 134 (3) / DES 135 (3) |
ARTE 111 (3) |
ART 134 (3) / DES 135 (3) |
ARTE 107 (3) |
ART 100 LEVEL (3) |
ARTE 110 (3) |
BIO 107 (3) |
BIOL 1XX* (3) |
MATH 114 (3) |
MATH 114 (3) |
MATH 114 or MATH 100* (3) |
MATH 114 (3) |
CHEM 101 or 103* (3) CSA examination required |
CHEM 101 & 102 (6) |
ENGL 100 – level (3) |
ENG 102 (3) |
ENGL 100 – level (3) |
ENG 103 (3) |
HIST 100 – level (6) |
HIST 102 (3) |
Must complete AP PHYSICS 2 to get credit for PHYS 124 |
PHYS 124 (3) |
PSYCO 104 (3) |
PSYCO 104 (3) |
CMPUT 101 (3) |
CMPT 103 (3) |
CMPUT 174 (3) |
CMPT 103 (3) |
AP STATISTICS (new 2025/26) |
STATS 151 (3) |
STATS 151 (3) |
AP SEMINAR (new 2025/26) |
100 level Humanities if Capstone Diploma is completed + 4 Other AP Courses |
100 level Humanities if Capstone Diploma is completed + 4 Other AP Courses |
* Engineering does not advise that students accept transfer credits. The first year of Engineering is specifically structured in terms of which courses and how many they accept. The only subject students may consider would be English; however, if they did that the Faculty would require them to take a 200 level course in their first year to maintain course load requirements (not advised due to the difficulty of the program already). These students can still use their AP grades for admissions.
Scholarship and Scholar Awards
Students a PK who complete AP exams are eligible for recognition as an AP Scholar, and AP Scholar with Honor, and an AP Scholar with Distinction. The following descriptions are from the AP Scholar Awards Page
The AP Scholar Awards are academic distinctions for students to cite among their credentials on applications and résumés. Students do not receive any monetary award from College Board.
Award |
Criteria |
AP Scholar | Granted to students who receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams |
AP Scholar with Honor | Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams |
AP Scholar with Distinction | Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams |
Please contact the AP Coordinator Conrad Hope if you have any questions.
For more information, check the College Board website.
AP® and Advanced Placement® are registered trademarks of the College Board®. Used with permission.