Parking at Paul Kane is a privilege.
Our students are encouraged to make their way to school via school bus, city transit, walking, or biking as weather permits.
All students that drive to school are required to have a parking pass in order to park in the Paul Kane student parking lot. Due to limited parking we only allow one parking application per family. All parking passes for the 2024-2025 school year have been issued.
This parking pass must be displayed on the dash of the vehicle listed in the application form or you risk being issued a ticket by St. Albert Municipal Enforcement. St. Albert Municipal Enforcement regularly patrols our parking lot beginning in September. Tickets will be issued on vehicles failing to display a pass.
Note: Fountain Park Pool is for pool patrons only and also is patrolled by St. Albert Municipal Enforcement. Do not park there or you will be ticketed
Please refer to the MAP below for specifics on where to park and drop off.
PARENTS please drop off/pick up your child by entering/exiting via the STUDENT PARKING LOT ONLY (entrance by Fountain Park Pool).
Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the 7:55am warning bell. CLASSES START PROMPTLY at 8:00am.
The DARK GREEN area indicated on the map is the WEST lot and is designated as student parking and parent drop off/pickup (please follow the directional arrows in the student parking lot).
ALL OTHER AREAS ARE RESTRICTED (i.e.: Red Fire Zone, staff and bus zones). DO NOT ENTER or PARK IN THESE AREAS.
THE LANE IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL IS ONE WAY - NO SITTING/PARKING IN YOUR VEHICLE IS ALLOWED (you risk being issued a ticket by St. Albert Municipal Enforcement).