The Bell Schedule for our current year is posted on our website under the Information tab and can be accessed here.
District Policy package: can be accessed here.
Cell Phone Policy:
Limiting distractions in Alberta classrooms
To safeguard student mental health and reduce distractions, as per the Ministerial Order by the Education Minister, personal mobile devices will no longer be permitted during class time and access to social media sites will be restricted.
Upon entering their classroom, Paul Kane students will be required to place their personal mobile device in a classroom device locker where it will remain during class time. The devices will be locked for safekeeping and collected by the student at the end of class.
Alternatively, students may store their device in their assigned locker during class time. In addition, airpods or other headphones must be stored away during class time.
We have a beautiful green space and separate parking areas for students vs. staff.
(you risk being issued a ticket by St. Albert Municipal Enforcement).
PARENTS Please drop off/pickup your child by ENTERING/EXITING VIA THE STUDENT PARKING LOT ONLY (entrance by Fountain Park Pool).
Please arrive at least 10 minutes before 7:55am warning bell. CLASSES START PROMPTLY AT 8:00am.
For more information, a detailed map on where students can park, where parents are allowed to drop off/pick up students, or to apply for a student parking pass please click here.
If you require bussing, please contact the transportation department at 780.460.3712, or alternatively ride STAT, bike, or walk to school.
Here are the answers to questions that new students often ask before they arrive at Paul Kane. It is important to us that you have the best academic year of your life. If you are curious about something please ask. Remember, the only “dumb” question is the one you didn’t ask.
You should bring a binder with paper, pen and pencil.
If you have Phys. Ed., bring appropriate clothes and shoes.
If you have Math, you need to bring a calculator (see the section below entitled "Which calculator should I have" for more information).
Grade 10 students will be assigned their lockers on their first day of school.
Grade 11 will use the same locker you were assigned to last year.
Grade 12 students will be issued a locker by request.
Locks will be issued by the school. NO PERSONAL LOCKS are allowed.
You need to have/purchase a calculator for high school as both science and math curriculum use them.
Students in our Science classes and Math-3 sequence use a basic scientific calculator.
Students in all other Math courses require a graphing calculator. Paul Kane recommends a T184 Plus CE Python, as its emulator software is facilitated in the math classroom.
For a list of Alberta Education approved graphing calculators click here: List of approved calculators
Yes, if you want to ride a bus. Your parents can apply and pay for a bus pass online. Bus pass applications are made through Bus Planner. Or you can pick one up and pay for it at the St. Albert Public Schools district office at 60 Sir Winston Churchill Avenue.
School Photo:
The date for school photos can be found on our calendar. You will receive information at that time should you wish to purchase additional photos. Photo Retake day can also be found on our calendar.
Make sure you get your picture taken so you will have your picture in the Yearbook!
Student ID Cards:
All students will be required to carry their personal student identification on them at all times. ID cards were distributed on photo day.
Failure to produce your ID when asked will be considered a breach of the school code of conduct. This new policy is being implemented for the safety and security of our students and staff. IDs will be used to sign out books, equipment, and are required for final exams.
Lost IDs will be required to be replaced at the cost of the family.
PowerSchool is a program that lets you view your timetable, assignments, marks, attendance, etc. from any computer. All students will get a PowerSchool Login and Password in September. Please keep this information in a safe place.
Parents have a different login which allows them to see all of their children’s information as well as view/pay any associated fees. You can access the PowerSchool portal from the home page of our website.
Paul Kane offers extracurricular activities in many areas - Students’ Union (PKSU), S.A.G.A., and Yearbook just to name a few. Check out our clubs.
As well, Paul Kane has athletic teams in badminton, basketball, cross country running, curling, football, girls flag football, golf, rugby, slo-pitch, soccer, indoor soccer, swimming, track and field, and volleyball. Click here for more information.
Get your friends involved and meet new ones.
It’s “Our House Our Team” at PK!
High school is a big change for many students. Most courses are semestered, therefore you finish the course in five months. This means that there is more home study and more attention needed. If you begin to experience difficulty, you should see your teacher as soon as there is any hint of a problem. There are many solutions. Your teacher will suggest a course of action. It may be simply more study, getting help after school, spending ten minutes going over expectations and concepts. The most important thing though, is to tell someone you are experiencing difficulty. We can help! Your teachers, counselors and administrators are here first and foremost to make sure you have success. You just have to let us know!
We have a scheduled full hour-long block once per week on Wednesdays called blues block set aside to help receive additional help. Click here for more info Blues Block
Yes. The Rutherford Scholarship program begins in grade ten. It recognizes students with an average of 75% or higher.
Many other scholarships and awards are available, in the areas of citizenship, academics and athletics throughout your three year high school experience. Written information is available on our website and from Student Services.
Yes. Students who have a job and who have completed a one credit course called HCS3000 (Workplace Safety) can receive credits towards their high school diploma.
To sign up for Workplace Safety and/or Work Experience, see details on the Career Ed page on our district website .
We understand that sometimes families have wonderful opportunities for trips that take place at the same time as school. Nevertheless these trips, especially if they exceed two or three days, cause tremendous difficulty. Because high school courses are semestered, missing five days in high school is like missing two weeks in grade 9. You can miss a complete section of the course. In most subjects the material builds up from day to day. Missing such time can be devastating. Many students who have taken extended holidays found their marks dropped by as much as 20%. If this absence cannot be helped you should plan well in advance and contact the subject teacher. Don’t leave it till the last minute.
Please take some time to read about why daily attendance is important to your child’s ongoing success in high school in this article called Every Day Counts!