French Immersion

Saisissez l'occasion de développer vos compétences en français et de vous engager pleinement dans votre apprentissage. Venez vivre l'immersion en action!

French Immersion is a program of studies in which French is the language of instruction for a significant part of the school day. All subjects are taught in French (except the formal study of English). French Immersion is designed for students whose first language is not French. The objective of the program is full mastery of the English language, functional fluency in French, as well as an understanding and appreciation of the French culture.

The French Immersion program is designed for students whose parents do not usually speak French. Parent-teacher conferences are held in English and detailed academic reports (DARs) are always written in English.

The philosophy of the immersion program is that no student should be denied the satisfaction and pride derived from becoming bilingual in the French language. All students are welcome.

French Immersion courses offered at Paul Kane (brochure)

Redirect to French Immersion page on our website

Literature review on the impact of second-language learning   Literature review