Registration 2025-26

Paul Kane Pre-enrollment/Registration for 2025-2026

Growth Control Model for Paul Kane High School

Pre-Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year opened on Monday, March 3rd, 2025. Applications to attend Paul Kane High School for the 2025-2026 school year will be considered in the following priority order: Once we have completed registration for Group 1, students in Group 2 will be chosen via a lottery system pending room and resources. Students in Group 3 will be considered for admittance pending room and resources post lottery selection.

Group 1: Primary

  • Students in Grade 10 and 11 currently attending Paul Kane High School;
  • Students in Grade 9 currently attending a St. Albert Public Junior High School.

Group 2: Lottery

  • Students in Grade 9 currently attending a non St. Albert Public school located within St. Albert;
  • Students in Grade 10 or 11 that are requesting a transfer to Paul Kane from another high school located within St. Albert;
  • Students that have recently moved to St. Albert.

Group 3: Post-Lottery

  • Students that reside outside of St. Albert;
  • Students that have pre-enrolled after March 21st, 2025.*

* Any students, including current Paul Kane or St. Albert Public school students that do not pre-enrol prior to March 21, 2025 will be considered in the 3rd registration group.

Students in Group 3 will be accepted to Paul Kane pending room and resource considerations after all other Groups have been considered, determined eligible, and the lottery is complete in April. Once we reach our enrollment limit for all grade levels, we will declare Paul Kane full for the 2025-2026 school year. Any semester 2 requests for admittance will be considered on a case by case basis.

Once an enrollment spot is offered to students in Group 2 or 3, an email will be sent to complete the registration process with one of our Student Services staff or administration. There is no waiting list and once full, we are full for the entire school year.

Division Registration Documents (link available March 3, 2025)

Paul Kane 2025-26 Guidebook 


Registration for current St. Albert Public School students will be available through your PowerSchool Parent Portal beginning on March 3, 2025. If you don’t have a PowerSchool account, contact your current junior high school for support. Once in your Parent Portal, click on the Returning Student Registration link/icon which can be found on the left side of the screen.


If you are a current grade 9 student, you were provided with a welcome package as part of our registration visits to your junior high school during the week of February 21-26, 2025.

Please return your completed course selection sheet included in your welcome package to your current junior high school. This form alone does not finalize your registration. Both the online pre-enrollment through PowerSchool and this form must both be received by March 21, 2025 for your pre-enrollment to be considered complete.

If you did not receive a package, you may pick one up at your junior high school, or at Paul Kane in our Student Services department.


If you are a current grade 10 or 11 student, you need to register for the next school year through your PowerSchool Parent Portal account beginning on March 3, 2025. If you require more assistance completing the registration please refer to the Parent Instruction Sheet. 

Students will be provided with a course selection sheet the week of March 10-14, 2025 and will complete the registration process during the week of March 17-21, 2025.


Students entering High School should plan their course selections in a way that keeps post secondary doors open while balancing interests, abilities and graduation requirements. Please use your current marks as a guideline when choosing next years' courses. You will find all of the information regarding our course offerings in the Paul Kane 2025-26 Guidebook.


Registration for students NEW to St. Albert Public Schools is through our Division Enrollment Program. Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens March 3, 2025. You must first create an account and complete your child's registration through this process. Please note, your completed registration will be considered as part of our Growth Enrollment Model in either Group 2 or Group 3 depending on your eligibility. Please be sure to select the 2025-2026 school year.


  • Completing the required demographic information in the enrollment program;
  • Completing a course selection sheet for the appropriate grade, and uploading it to their account.
  • Uploading a copy of a birth certificate or passport to their account.


Students entering High School should plan their course selections in a way that keeps post secondary doors open while balancing interests, abilities and graduation requirements. 

Please use your current marks as a guideline when choosing next years' courses. You will find all of the information regarding our course offerings in the Paul Kane 2025-26 Guidebook.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Student Services department at 780-459-4405, ext 41015. We look forward to welcoming all students back to Paul Kane this fall.

Students entering high school should plan their course selections in a way that keeps post secondary doors open while balancing interests, abilities and graduation requirements. Please use your current marks as a guideline when choosing next years' courses. You will find all of the information regarding our course offerings in the Paul Kane 2025-26 Guidebook.

For Student Services Support, please contact the school at 780.459.4405 ext. 41015 and we will happily get you in contact with one of our school counsellors.

Alternatively, click on the link below (choosing the counsellor based on your grade level for 2025-2026) to book an in person appointment or to arrange a meeting by phone.

Grade 10 School Counsellor: Danielle Reed

Grade 11 School Counsellor: Cristin Raven

Grade 12 School Counsellor: Emily Douglas

Check out what Paul Kane has to offer in our signature film.


Why AP? (video)

For students interested in enrolling in our Advanced Placement (AP) courses for the 2025-2026 school year, please refer to our Paul Kane 2025-26 Guidebook for more information, or contact our AP Coordinator Conrad Hope Conrad Hope.


Why French Immersion? (video)

For students interested in enrolling in our French Immersion (FI) program for the 2025-2026 school year, please contact our FI Department Head for more information about our Bilingual Certificate and DELF - Sarah Ouellette.

We also have a French Immersion section in our Paul Kane 2025-26 Guidebook.


Please email our Learning Support Facilitators to learn more about options available to support your child's learning needs:

Learning Support Facilitators

Mr. Jeet Jermana Grade 11 and Grade 12

Mrs. Michelle Lutic Grade 10

Mrs. Laura Kasper (Indigenous)